Why you need a wellbeing guide

As a wellbeing guide, I specialise in helping high-performing individuals - like business owners, working moms and professionals - from burnout to balance by guiding them to prioritise their health and wellbeing. I wrote about wellbeing in a previous article, which you can read here. In this article, I’ll expand my vision as a wellbeing guide and how that plays out in your wellbeing journey. We’ll explore what problems I can help you with and why your wellbeing matters. Let’s dive in and embark on this journey together - read on!

The origin of the guide

In the context of wellbeing, a guide serves as your navigator towards improved wellbeing. I work with you to explore and understand the broader aspects of your life’s journey and how your wellbeing can support you. Rather than focusing solely on specific goals, I’ll help you see the big picture, offering insights and support tailored to your unique experiences and challenges. The role of a guide is to facilitate self-discovery, foster resilience, and help you navigate life’s complexities, ensuring that each step you take aligns with your overall wellbeing and life vision. It also means that when the inevitable unexpected challenges arise along this journey, you’ll have ways to navigate stress and uncertainty. That and I’ll be right by your side to support and help you continue along your path.

Navigating Life’s Challenges

Many years ago, I qualified as a mountaineer and nature site guide. The skills I learned in this course were obvious, like map reading and navigation skills, safety on mountains, and getting to know the tools and equipment for various terrains. Most of all, I loved learning to be prepared for the unexpected. In mountaineering terms, this could mean a sudden turn in the weather, an unexpected detour or one of the hikers injuring themselves. This training served me well on many occasions when I was overwhelmed and unclear of my next steps - by remembering to make sure I look after my basic needs - like getting enough sleep, eating well, moving my body and connecting and talking to vent and release emotions, I was able to calm down, look after my needs first which then gave me the space and temperament to plan my next step and move forward cautiously with care. Other times, when I have bulldozed through crises - running on fumes of exhaustion, adrenaline and panic - were exhausting, stressful and not helpful. 

Can you think of any times you have done this same thing?
We’ve all done it!

It’s anticipating and being prepared upfront for inevitable challenges that will make the journey as smooth and enjoyable as possible. 

As a wellbeing guide, I help you chart the path, plan and prepare for your journey, and then support and guide you along the way. I will help you overcome whatever challenge or setback you encounter. I will also celebrate every success along the way. Celebrating your wins is essential.

What problem I solve

If you are a business owner or in a role with people who look up to you - you know how overwhelming that responsibility can be. Having people rely on you for financial stability and job security is a big responsibility. For you to maintain and support your health and wellbeing when there are challenges, you need tools and strategies.
Notice I said, “For you to maintain and support your health and wellbeing when there are challenges”, before I mentioned anyone else. Even before you help anyone, you need to help yourself. Even in basic first aid, the first rule is to check if the situation is safe for you to proceed before you can help others. If you, as the leader, are already exhausted, depleted and running on empty, what will you be drawing on to power yourself through the challenge?

Recognise the signs

You may find yourself feeling some or many of the following:

  • Overwhelm - it’s all just too much

  • Lack of boundaries - you find it difficult to say “no.”

  • Hyperstimulated - Always in a state of ON

  • Decision fatigue - having to make too many decisions

  • Low energy - a general sense of being tired

  • Impostor syndrome - the fear that you’ll be exposed as a fraud

  • Lonely - nobody to talk to who understands what you are going through

If you identify with any of these - it’s time to look at your wellbeing.

If you feel you have lost your way, losing interest in what you do, withdrawing from the very people you know can support and love you - it’s time to consider a new approach. If you think taking time for yourself is a luxury you can’t afford right now - you might be on your way to burnout. I’ll dive deeper into burnout in another article, but let’s point out right now that these things I have listed above are some of the many indicators of burnout. Being burnt out is when you have overused one part of your being - to the point of exhaustion. 

It’s imbalance.

Reflect on your current wellbeing strategy

What is your strategy to look after your wellbeing when things get stressful? 
Is your strategy to dig in and push harder - even though things don’t seem to change?
Do you neglect yourself, sleep less, skip exercise, drink more coffee, or withdraw from loved ones?
Do you say yes to things because you fear losing that deal or job if you say no?
Do you then say no to yourself about your health and wellbeing needs?
Are you addicted to stress? (You’re not alone here, so many of us are.) 
Do you find that always being busy creates a sense of purpose?

If this sounds like you - let’s talk.

Reach out for a FREE discovery call.

Let’s start your journey!

How I can help

While many wellbeing programs offer one-size-fits-all solutions, Bija focuses on crafting a personalised journey that respects and responds to your unique life circumstances and goals. Drawing on over 20 years of my exploration into wellbeing, through study, research and practice - I can offer tools, practices and strategies for your journey to better wellbeing. I believe in a simple approach to wellbeing. We will begin with the fundamentals like sleep, mindfulness, movement, and connection. Once we have these healthy and working for you, the journey continues.

Whether we work together one-on-one or in a group programme, I first get to know you to understand your situation and needs. I will provide you with a tailored wellbeing plan specific to you. We chart a path to a future version of you who is thriving, in balance, and feels better. I am here to support you along your journey to keep you on your path to wellbeing. As your wellbeing guide, I keep the end in sight and your trajectory in mind - so that your path is clear.

Why your wellbeing matters

Your health and wellbeing are essential to the success of your life - caring for your wellbeing is like nurturing the roots of your potential. It sets the foundation that empowers you to chase your dreams, tackle problems confidently, and realise your aspirations.

Whether you’re a leader, business owner, mom or if you have a team that you look after – you know the challenge of prioritising your wellness when you might be responsible for others. When you are healthy, energised and feel good, you can help others more. Wellbeing is not a state of mind but a way of being, of taking action that prioritises you and your health, allowing you to face unexpected challenges and not break when things get tough. If you have people who look to you for stability and support - who or what is there for your stability and support? 

Why wellbeing is imperative for leaders and caregivers

For those in positions of responsibility, it seems fair to wonder - why don’t you prioritise your wellbeing first? What’s getting in the way? Why not make choices that nurture you, make you healthy and resilient to withstand life’s challenges, and provide for those dependent on you? There is this misconception that it is selfish. 

Think about that for a moment.

Why would it be selfish to ensure you are not exhausted, grumpy, depleted, and unwell so you can carry out your responsibilities?

Establishing a plan for your wellbeing is about moving towards the best version of yourself, not perfection, but a thriving, resilient you. When you are energised and healthy, you have more patience, focus, mental resilience and power, yes, power to drive your life forward. Start the journey with Bija and transform your life to be the way you’ve always envisioned it to be. 

Your personal path

“Ok! This sounds great.” you say, “I’m in - how will I fit it in? Where do I begin?”

I believe in providing clients with a uniquely personal approach to their wellbeing because I know that every individual’s path is as unique as their fingerprint. Right now, health and wellbeing are big topics! There is an overwhelming amount of information, ideas, products, services, apps, books, and podcasts. They tell you they work because the ideas are “backed by science” or “evidence-based”. 

So you should believe it will work for you, right?

The more you read, the more conflicting information you come across. All claim to be the solution to your problems but the solutions are not feasible or practical for your needs. 

It’s confusing, stressful, and disjointed to navigate, which is ironic considering it’s all in the spirit of health and wellbeing. 

Begin Your wellbeing journey

Trying to sift through all the information is impossible if you are already stressed, overwhelmed, or suffering from decision fatigue. Making sense of all the information and what will work for you - is how I help. Everybody’s wellbeing is different because everybody is unique. So, I get to know you, your situation, and where you want to go, and based on this, I create a programme with relevant and practical strategies that will work for you.  

I have done the reading, researching, and exploring for you - I supply you with a personalised wellbeing strategy.

Small steps lead to big change

There is extensive literature about the effectiveness of habit formation. In particular, about how small, incremental changes in habits can lead to profound and lasting transformation and impact on one’s life. All these books on habits have a common theme: the transformative power of incremental adjustments in daily routines. They range from strategies backed by science to anecdotal evidence and observations. There are also thought leaders encouraging dailyish practices as an antidote for the overburdening expectation of total and persistent productivity. I LOVE the idea of dailyish - it takes out this inhuman expectation and pressure to be perfect and consistent every day. You can continue your journey even if every day is a little different. As long as you keep heading in the right direction – and you will with my guidance – every little step counts!

This idea of small steps leading to big change is one of the central values that underpin Bija. It’s the basis of my methodology when assessing your wellbeing needs and formulating a personalised wellbeing strategy for you. 

How you can work with me:

  • One-to-one 
    for a personalised wellbeing journey developed just for you. 
    Minimum 3 months 

  • Group Programmes 
    Sign up to my group wellbeing programmes in 2024
    Next group starts in February 

  • Wellbeing workshop
    I run weekend workshops to explore different approaches to wellbeing, I’m excited to announce that my next workshop is on 10th February 2024.

  • Workplace wellbeing workshops
    Do you have a work event coming up or are looking to implement wellbeing days - speak to me about facilitating a wellbeing workshop.
    Start 2024 with a wellbeing boost - get in touch for a Wellbeing Workshop for you and your team.

I help transform you from IMBALANCE to I’M BALANCE.
A seemingly minor but enormous difference.

If you are ready to explore your wellbeing, and curious to learn more - get in touch - I would love to chat more.

Reach out today and book your FREE discovery call, and let’s start you on your journey. 

Personalised wellbeing
Find Balance. Live better.


World Sleep Day - Make Sleep Health a Priority


Wellbeing at different stages of life